The plugin has a unique permission, which allows the player to use the cupboard upgrade: tclevels.use
How many items can be blocked? and which?
You can block unlimited items and all items must be deployable or they will not be blocked.
Which area will be checked when i place my cupboard
The entire privilege area will be checked. But you can also disable checks in the configuration file.
Could it cause conflict with any plugin?
Yes, but i am providing an API for the plugin so that other developers can integrate with it, so if there is a conflict, just go to the developer's plugin support and ask them to integrate it. Also if it is possible for me to integrate it from my plugin, i will do so without any problem.
// Gets the current cupboard allowed building grade limit
// If the cupboard isn't provided, it will return the default building grade limit of the config;
private BuildingGrade.Enum GetBuildingGradeLimit(BuildingPrivlidge? cupboard);
// Gets the current cupboard decay multiplier
// If the cupboard isn't provided, it will return the default decay multiplier of the config;
private float GetDecayMultiplier(BuildingPrivlidge? cupboard);
// Gets the current cupboard authorization limit
// If the cupboard isn't provided, it will return the default auth limit of the config;
private int GetAuthLimit(BuildingPrivlidge? cupboard);
// Gets the current cupboard storage capacity
// If the cupboard isn't provided it will throw an exception;
private int GetCapacity(BuildingPrivlidge cupboard);
// Gets a list of the cupboard blocked items
// If the cupboard isn't provided it will return all locked items listed in the config;
private List<string> GetLockedItems(BuildingPrivlidge? cupboard);
"General Options": {
"Can only the owner update the cupboard?": false,
"Keep the cupboard attributes into the item when removing it with a removal tool?": true,
"Allow placement with locked items placed before": false,
"Allow placement with the base already with a building grade?": false,
"Block the building grade bigger than the default without a cupboard?": true,
"Block placement of locked items without a cupboard?": false,
"Disable chat messages?": false,
"Notifications plugin (0 = disabled | 1 = Toastify | 2 = Notify)": 1,
"Sync your notifications ID with below keywords": {
"Error": "error",
"Success": "success",
"Info": "success"
"Effect when upgrade": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/build/promote_stone.prefab",
"Effect when unlock a item": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/item_unlock.prefab",
"Error effect": "assets/prefabs/weapons/toolgun/effects/repairerror.prefab"
"Features Options": {
"Enable decay reducer": true,
"Enable authorizations limit": true,
"Enable cupboard capacity": true,
"Enable building grade limit": true,
"Enable cupboard stack size multiplier": true
"Currency Options": {
"Currency type (0 = Economics | 1 = Server Rewards | 2 = Item)": 2,
"Currency item (change only if currency type is set to item)": {
"Short name": "scrap",
"Skin ID": 0
"Cupboard Defaults": {
"Default cupboard authorizations limit": 1,
"Default cupboard capacity": 6,
"Default building grade limit (0 = twigs | 1 = wood | 2 = stone | 3 = metal | 4 = top tier)": 1,
"Default decay multiplier (less than 1.0 = Decay slower | bigger than 1.0 = Decay faster)": 1.0,
"Default cupboard stack size multiplier": 1.0
"UI Options": {
"Button anchor": ".5 0 .5 0",
"Button offset": "400 596 572 616",
"Modal background color": "0.96 0.92 0.88 .08"
"Upgrade Options": {
"Cupboard capacity": [
"Cost": 500,
"Capacity": 16
"Cost": 800,
"Capacity": 24
"Cost": 500,
"Capacity": 29
"Building grade (0 = Twigs | 1 = Wood | 2 = Stone | 3 = Metal | 4 = Top Tier)": [
"Cost": 200,
"Grade level": 2
"Cost": 400,
"Grade level": 3
"Cost": 800,
"Grade level": 4
"Authorization limit": [
"Cost": 100,
"Max authorizations": 2
"Cost": 200,
"Max authorizations": 4
"Reduce decay (0 to 100%)": [
"Cost": 100,
"Reduce amount": 10.0
"Cost": 300,
"Reduce amount": 30.0
"Cost": 500,
"Reduce amount": 50.0
"Cost": 800,
"Reduce amount": 80.0
"Cost": 2000,
"Reduce amount": 100.0
"Stack size multiplier": [
"Cost": 400,
"Multiplier (2 = 2x the vanilla stack)": 1.25
"Cost": 1000,
"Multiplier (2 = 2x the vanilla stack)": 2.0
"Cost": 2000,
"Multiplier (2 = 2x the vanilla stack)": 3.0
"Items that need to be unlocked (shortname: price)": {
"furnace": 50,
"electric.furnace": 200,
"box.wooden.large": 100,
"door.hinged.toptier": 300,
"electric.solarpanel.large": 50,
"door.double.hinged.toptier": 300,
"wall.external.high.stone": 200,
"gates.external.high.stone": 200,
"wall.frame.garagedoor": 300,
"wall.window.bars.toptier": 150,
"bed": 100,
"workbench3": 500
"Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 3,
"Patch": 2